Hearing Protection Buying Guide

man in his garage cutting wood while wearing yellow over the ears protectors

If you’re looking for the perfect hearing protection to fit your needs, you’ve come to the right place. Whether it’s for work, hobbies, or recreational activities, finding the right hearing protection can be a confusing and time-consuming task. However, this buying guide will provide you with all the information and advice that you need to make an informed decision.

What are the Different Types of Hearing Protection?

Hearing protection is vital to ensure your quality of life is not compromised by exposure to excessive noise. There is a wide range of products available, each designed for specific types of noise or workplace environments. There are a number of different types of hearing protection that you can choose from, each with its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks. The most common types of hearing protection include earmuffs, disposable or reusable earplugs, and custom-made molds.


Earmuffs are large cups that cover both ears and block out sound. They are typically adjustable and offer superior noise reduction capabilities compared to earplugs. Earmuffs can be used for various activities such as shooting sports, construction work, and operating loud machinery. Earmuffs are usually connected to a headband or helmet and can be purchased with or without built-in communication options.

Disposable or Reusable Earplugs

Disposable or reusable earplugs are small, dome-shaped devices that are inserted in the ear canal to block out noise. They come in various materials and sizes, including foam plugs and pre-curved polyethylene plugs. Some models also feature special coatings for improved noise reduction and comfort. Disposable earplugs can be purchased at most drugstores or from your local PPE supplier and are ideal for noise reduction in situations where multiple people will need hearing protection.

Custom-Made Molds

Custom-made molds are made from a mold of your ear and can offer superior noise reduction capabilities compared to earplugs or earmuffs. They also provide a comfortable fit since they are custom-made for your ears specifically. However, they tend to be more expensive than other types of hearing protection due to their custom nature. Nevertheless, custom-made molds are usually the most effective and highly recommended by audiologists and other hearing professionals.

Factors to Consider When Buying Hearing Protection

Now that you know about the different types of hearing protection available, it’s time to consider other factors that will help you narrow down your choices. Here are some important factors to consider when buying hearing protection:

Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

The NRR is an important factor when it comes to selecting the right type of hearing protection for your needs. It indicates how much sound is blocked out by the product when worn correctly. The higher this rating is, the better it will be at blocking out sound effectively. So be sure to look at NRR ratings before making your purchase!

Comfort Level

Comfort level is another important factor when selecting hearing protection products because if it’s uncomfortable, then you won’t want to wear it regularly or at all! Look for products with soft padding around the edges so that they don’t dig into your skin or irritate your ears after long periods of use. Also, consider how adjustable they are so that you can get them to fit just right for your head size and shape!


You will also want to consider the quality of the product and ensure that it is manufactured by a reputable brand. For earmuffs or custom-made molds, look for products that are made from high-quality materials and inspected to meet stringent safety standards. High-quality hearing protection can help prevent hearing loss over time and should be an important consideration when shopping for hearing protection products. Your audiologist can to suggest the best hearing protection for your particular needs and may be able to recommend the best place for them to be purchased. 


Last but not least is considering the durability of your protection. No one wants their ear protectors falling apart after only a few uses! Look for products made from quality materials such as silicone or rubber which should last much longer than cheaper alternatives like foam plugs or flimsy plastic muffs! Additionally, look for good warranties on any product so that if something goes wrong, you have recourse to get it fixed or replaced quickly without any hassle. Durability/Longevity will also help ensure that your hearing protection is a long-term investment that will help protect your ears for many years.

Hearing protection is an important tool that can help prevent hearing loss and ensure you’re doing everything to keep your hearing sense safe while exposed to loud environments. To learn more about hearing protection, visit GL Wyeno Hearing Specialists PC or get in touch at (402) 463-2431, and make your hearing a priority today!