7 Tips for Keeping Your Hearing Aids Safe in the Summer Heat

a hearing specialist performing a hearing aid fitting for his elderly patient optimized

Summer can be an exciting season filled with vacations, barbecues and outdoor fun; yet for those wearing hearing aids it can also present extra challenges when it comes to keeping their devices functioning safely in the heat. Luckily there are steps you can take to ensure that your hearing aids remain secure during this season so that you don’t miss out on enjoying all your favorite activities; here we offer seven strategies on keeping hearing aids safe during hot weather months.

Stop and Think Before Entering Water

Water-resistant hearing aids may withstand accidental splashes of water, but for more delicate devices it could spell disaster. If you plan on swimming or playing in water it is wise to remove your hearing aids first before participating. Should they accidentally get wet it’s important that they’re completely dried afterward as soon as possible before having them examined or repaired by an audiologist. Also remember not leaving them near heat sources such as beaches or saunas!

Protect Your Hearing Aids from Sweat Damage

Summer heat brings with it increased sweating that can damage devices if left unprotected. When out and about, wearing a headband or hat may help shield hearing aids from runoff while still allowing them to function as intended. Also, make sure that delicate parts of hearing aids are regularly cleaned with a soft cloth; at least once daily wipe them clean! Keep a spare hearing aid handy just in case of sweat or water damage.

Keep Them Cooled Down

Heat accumulation can damage hearing aids over time, so make sure they remain as cool as possible whenever possible. Consider keeping a small fan or air conditioner nearby to help regulate the temperature comfortably and avoid overheating. It is also essential not to leave them exposed for extended periods to direct sunlight or other sources of heat, and if outdoors for any period of time wear a hat or headband with ventilation slots to keep hearing aids cool while outdoors. Make sure they’re stored away in a dry environment when not being used!

Visit Your Audiologist Often

Be sure to schedule regular checkups with your audiologist throughout the summer months in order to keep your hearing aids in optimal working condition. At these visits, they can clean off any buildup of debris or wax as well as inspect for damaged parts that require replacing and make suggestions such as an ear dryer for outdoor activities if your hearing aids seem less functional than usual. Also ask about recalibration if sound quality has decreased.

Keep Them Cleaned and Stored Properly

Every summer can bring with it dirt, dust and debris that accumulates on hearing aids; thus, regular cleaning is key. Use a soft cloth with mild soap to wipe away any buildup of sweat or dirt and dry them thoroughly afterwards before storing them away from direct sunlight and other heat sources. Be sure only to use approved batteries in your hearing aids and never leave them in hot cars or on windowsills where this could damage them. Make sure to take them off prior to going swimming or showering to protect their integrity!

Wear Protective Gear When Necessary

As summer activities such as playing sports or visiting the beach require additional protection of hearing aids, it’s crucial that extra precautions be taken with them. To safeguard against dust and debris buildup, invest in either earmuffs or arm bands designed specifically to keep them secure – you might even want a waterproof case so they can be taken along when swimming or on water rides!

Be Mindful of Extreme Temperatures and Humidity

Hearing aids are easily compromised by high temperatures and humidity levels, so it’s wise to take extra precautions if you plan to venture into extreme weather conditions. Even if you do not plan on wearing your hearing aids while out and about, store them safely while out and when temperatures or humidity levels dramatically alter allow extra time for them to acclimate before switching them on.

Through taking these steps, you can ensure that your hearing aids stay in excellent condition during the summer season. With some care and regular maintenance, you can experience maximum hearing pleasure throughout these warm months of summer.

If you’re in search of exceptional hearing aid care and assistance this summer, look no further than GL Wyeno Hearing Specialists PC. Our team of skilled audiologists are dedicated to taking great care of hearing aids for a clear listening experience. With their specialized knowledge and expertise, they’re here to ensure that they operate at optimal performance while offering personalized assistance in selecting suitable products tailored specifically for you. Call us today at (402) 463-2431 to discover more or make an appointment.